Saturday, August 24, 2013

Computing Fear

It was a smooth ride, with the background of a wealthy and influential family. Blossoming in sports and as a newspaper writer at Harvard, he next became a distinguished State Senator and Assistant Secretary of the Navy. But tragedy struck at this point.
                Franklin Delaney Roosevelt became crippled with a severe case of polio. He was left twisted in pain in the sordid days that followed. For many observers his career was over. Yet he summoned his courage from some inner well and regained the use of his hands and learned to walk with braces. During his recovery a morbid fear haunted him, that he would be trapped in a burning building. Who could blame him, if he spent the rest of his life wallowing in self-pity? Instead, he took determined efforts to overcome his limitations and conquer his fears. Eight years later he became the governor of the state of New York. And 11 years later, enduring countless months of enduring pain, after being urged to retire – this man of fear and man of courage was sworn in as the 32nd President of USA!
                At this time the country was bogged down by the Great Depression. One in four men was unemployed. Food was scarce. Many lost their homes. The great nation had been humbled to its knees. Like Roosevelt's legs, the country was crippled with fear. Against this backdrop of national paralysis, Franklin Delaney Roosevelt scuffled to the microphone and delivered the century's most riveting address, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
                Likewise in the ancient past for exiled Jews in Babylon, with more than a hundred years of servitude it did not seem possible to have any future hope. Yet Isaiah who pronounces judgement also promises future restoration. Look at the language in Isa 46: 13 (NLT) – "I am ready to set things right, not in the distant future, but right now! I am ready to save... and give my glory..."
                So what terror has crushed your heart? Fear not, for God promises deliverance right now. Read further Isaiah 49: 1-13 to find more encouragement and hope. So next time you try to compute fear, leave it completely out of your equations.

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