Friday, August 9, 2019


When many longings
Root, rage and wrap your mind
In a mesh of strangling embracement,
Like the tentacles of an astrocytoma 
Angry, red and ugly;

When in silence beneath all of that
A single pure thought glows
Clinging precariously
Delicate and fragile,
Like a tendril, singular,
Lambent, green and beautiful
Lighting a display
Of life against death;

When indeed life throbs over death
And it holds fast and strong
Burning and cauterizing
Every metastases away
Then life begins and hope,
And hope never disappoints
For a longing fulfilled
Is sweet to the soul;
A tree of life.
 Luke 8:14; Rom 5:5; Prov 13:19; Prov 13:12
Astrocytoma: A brain cancer that is star shaped and roots itself deep making surgical removal difficult
Metastases: When a cancer becomes virulent and starts multiplying everywhere across the body.

This wild-verse is an exercise in harsh contrasts -- Red vs green, ugly vs beautiful, strangling vs clinging, rage vs silence etc. I begin with longings (plural) and end with longing (singular). I start with roots but end with a tree.

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