Sunday, March 17, 2013

Prayer of the Cross

Thank you Lord for teaching me,
That every person who injures me
       is God-sent to teach me humility;
That every incident that thrusts me into repeated pain
       is purposed to teach me perseverance;
That every time I deny my needs
       is only to realize that He is all I need;
That every trauma for which I have no answers
       is for me to know that Jesus is the answer;
Oh Lord, save this foolish soul from wandering,
       help me oh Lord, that you may find delight in me
       for I know that all else is deceit.
So grant me oh Lord, more and more wisdom
       to gain a spirit of quietness and mercy
       as I surrender in Jesus name.

This prayer was written on 23rd Feb 2007 as I was attempting to comprehend degrees of betrayal. 
The picture above was created entirely in Microsoft PowerPoint.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

This Prayer reiterates the fact that God is our Jehovah Jireh, the One who knows the end from the beginning and who will lead us on the path to eternal life if only we submit ourselves to Him and trust Him to guide our steps, keeping Romans 8:28 in mind..