Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Three to Tango

Of course, God created man and woman (Gen 1: 26). But man creates his woman. He builds her. He emancipates her. And she becomes him. And he too is never, ever, unchanged in the process. The two become one.

It's not a one day event. Its a creative process at work by the Holy Spirit. And no man should take this responsibility lightly. For this in itself is a call (1 Cor 7: 14 - 17). All other relationships are secondary. Neither parents, nor children or friends can ever substitute this sacred bond. True, other relationships and other responsibilities remain but this bond stands paramount. It's more than physical, it's emotive, it's mind-storming, it's transcendental, it's divine, it's lifetime! And to merely limit it to the physical is sin.

Build. Grow. Become. And reach, the fullness and maturity that is possible in Christ. It's the experience of the Triune: God, man and wife. It's a taste of heaven. It where God wants us to be, in unity.

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